Kate Strong: 2021 World Record attempt no. 1
12 January 2021
Was it the greatest simulated distance on a static cycle in one hour by a woman?
Despite the announcement of a UK national lockdown Kate Strong still went on to set a new world record (approval pending) last week for the ‘greatest simulated distance on a static cycle in one hour’. This was not the original record she was aiming for due to lockdown restrictions, but it is still an incredible achievement – congratulations Kate! Reaching 38.62km in an hour, she has raised the current World Record by an incredible 3.32km (previously set at 35.3km). We eagerly watched on from the warmth of our homes at 3pm yesterday as Kate not only smashed the world record but completed it in freezing conditions outside!
However, Kate’s training continues, and we are excited to support Kate in her journey to achieve two more World Record attempts for the ‘Furthest Distance Covered on a Static Bicycle in 24 hours’, while also attempting to break the 12-hour world record within the same period. Kate is an inspirational role model, striving for greatness and voicing the importance of ‘challenging what we are capable of’.
Inspired by her vision some of our team took to their turbos to support Kate and see what it is like to endure an hour static cycle for ourselves! It was certainly an experience; however, we might not be volunteering to take part in the 12 or 24 hours attempts later this year…
We look forward to continuing to support Kate with her further World Record attempts, supporting her vision and ambition to promote diversity and inclusion within sport and business. We are awaiting a date for the next World Records when it is safe (and legal) to do so – we hope to update you soon!